Robert Scott Lazar Biography
Robert Scott Lazar was born on January 26, 1959 in Coral Gables, Florida His family then moved to New York where he grew up next door to a Rocket Designer named Eugene Gluhareff, who designed and invented the Rocket Engine which the young Bob Lazar than bolted to his bicycle and proceed to seek the attention of local media.
- Graduated West Tresper Clark High School August 1976 (Summer School & bottom 3rd of his class)
- Moved to Woodland Hills, CA.
- Attended Pierce Jr. College – Professor Bill Duxler was his Electronics Teacher
- Worked at Fairchild Industries and Xincom with his 1st wife Carol Nadine Strong
- Moved to Los Alamos in 1981 and took a job at Kirk Mayer
Lazar and his jet car established quite a presence in the small town of Los Alamos, and about a month after arriving, the Los Alamos Monitor newspaper did an article about him. The story described him as a physicist at the lab, but that was in fact only what he told the reporter his position was. Some people who knew him at the time were quite surprised to see that claimed title. I probably should take a small detour to talk about Lazar’s jet car, the article’s focus, first to demystify it a bit, and to show Lazar’s genius talent for low key self promotion is evident even then as well as his inclusion of nuggets of truth to sell the exaggerations and falsehoods.
The car was powered by what’s known as a Gluhareff Pressure Jet Engine. It’s a uniquely clever and quirky device, burning liquid propane, with no moving parts and noisy as hell. It was invented by Eugene Gluhareff, someone Lazar knew while growing up in the San Fernando Valley. There are images and videos online of Lazar as a kid with a Gluhareff jet strapped to a bike, then a go-kart. Fun stuff! Magazines like Popular Science advertised plans for these jet engines for many years and they can still be found online with a little Googling.
A problem arises when you read the Monitor article’s report of the claims Lazar made for the jet in his car. His claim it produced 1,600 pounds of thrust (deliberately derated down to 800 pounds) seems unlikely. The largest (and rarest) engine designed by Gluhareff, the G8-2-700 produced only 700 pounds of thrust, and was very large (see page 4 of the PDF on Gluhareff jets I linked to above for a sense of scale of the much smaller G8-2-130, which produced 130 pounds of thrust). Also, per Gluhareff’s own technical documentation, the G8-2-700 wasn’t designed until 1984, two years after Lazar arrived in Los Alamos. The jet car photos in the Monitor article show an engine roughly the size of a G8-2-130. As far as I’ve been able to determine, Gluhareff never designed anything with thrust as great as the 1,600 pounds that Lazar claimed his engine could attain.
Another measure of Lazar’s veracity is when he states it’s the most efficient jet engine available, using 1.3 pounds of propane for each pound of thrust it produces compared to 6 pounds of fuel for each pound of thrust with a regular jet engine. This is utter bullshit.
The values Lazar was tossing around are known as Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC). From data on page 8 of the linked Gluhareff PDF it appears a G8-130 engine has a TSFC value of 1.33, so he hasn’t left reality there. However when you look up TSFC values for regular jet engines you find they are typically WELL below 1.0 pounds of fuel for each pound of thrust, and lower numbers are better. Hell, the Concorde burned 1.195 pounds of fuel for each pound of thrust at Mach 2, so even that fuel hog was better than a Gluhareff jet. In fact, Gluhareff jets are notoriously inefficient but were considered to have potential in some situations due to their unique construction/operation.
Bob and his 1st wife Carol moved to Los Alamos from California in 1982 and Bob immediately began once again deliberately drawing a lot of attention to himself in the media spotlight, moving from Jet Bikes to Jet Cars, with a very loud, yet highly inefficient G8-2-130 Gluhareff Jet Engine which he mounted to the back of his 1979 Honda Civic hatchback in an effort to impress others in and around Los Alamos where he held a contract as a Radiation Health Monitor Technician for Kirk Meyer Corporation, tasked with repairing the alpha probes for the radiation detectors being used daily on site. This is backed up by testimony given by John Lear as well.
In 1984 Lazar borrows $4,000 from his mother and according to the OMNI-Magazine (April issue 1994) in 1985 he buys a a Brothel called “the Reno Brothel” while “on vacation in Nevada” This brothel, which he owned with his wife and renamed “Honeymoon Suckle”, was so profitable that he didn’t have to return to full time employment for a while. In his bankruptcy papers filed in 1986 there’s no mention of any aincome of this brothel, but the file says that he hadn’t payed back the money he owned his mother. Instead he had bought a Chevrolet Corvette for $19,000… The year before (1985) he also borrowed a number of other sums like:
$15,000 from his father and repaid only $1,000 by the time of bankruptcy filing.
$60,000 from Los Alomos National Bank which he secured wuth his $7,9000 worth Honda. He only repaid $1,300 by the time of bankruptcy filing.
$12,000 from the same bank to build his new photo processing business. He only repaid $300 by the time of bankruptcy filing.
$5,000 via a “three minute loan” from Security Pacific Finance Corp. of Albaquerque, New Mexico.
$2,000 from John Horne of Los Alomos for downpayment on a jet car that wasn’t repaid at the time of bankruptcy filing.
During this time his wife buys a new residence in Las Vegas while Robert stayed remained in Los Alomos. Lazar remarried with Tracy Ann Murk, but he was appearantly still married to Carol as no divorce papers were filed. On April 21 Carol commited suicide by carbon monixide poisioning as she inhalated motor vehicle exhaust. After this Lazar moves to Carols house on Ann Greta Street and he takes over her photographic processesing-firm which he loses in the liquidation-bankruptcy which he voulentarily filed on July 21, 1986. In these files there’s no mention of his employment at Los Alomos National Laboratory and he stated that his income was “unknown” and his only income was from the photgraphic process-company. He also stated that $15,000 had vanished with his accountant. He also stated that his monthly expenses was $15,510 of which he only managed to pinpoint $2,360, the rest he never specified.
On October 12 he re-marries Tracy, she goes with another name (Jackie Dianne Evans) and the reason to that is still unknown. They marry at the “Chapel of Love” in Las Vegas. The certificate was sent to the Ann Great adress.
On April 19, 1986 Bob marries Tracy Anne Murk (his 2nd wife) at the “We’ve only just begun” wedding chapel in Las Vegas, this was all while he was still legally married to Carol Nadine Strong. Carol Nadine Strong then suspiciously committed suicide by the old hose in the tailpipe, on April 21, 1986
Bob then filed for Bankruptcy on July 21st 1986, just a few months later, when the insurance companies informed him that his wife’s life insurance policy did not cover death by suicide..
If you have large debts or have filed for bankruptcy, the Government WILL NOT grant you a security clearance. Period. Because your financial instability makes you a potential risk for espionage!
On March 16, 1988, Lazar loses his house as he can’t pay the bills and his wife buys a house of her own (they divorced on paper in 1989). After he burned pretty much everyone in town, Bob skipped Los Alamos and moved to Las Vegas in 1988 and began working as a photo processor and had friends in the Real Estate Business in town including an Appraiser named Gene Huff. Sometime in the fall of 1988 Gene Huff introduces Bob Lazar to John Lear, and Gene Huff agrees to give John Lear an appraisel on his house in exchange for all his UFO materials, consisting of mostly George Adamski and Billy Meier stuff..
Interestingly the propulsion systems described by Meier and Adamski talked about coronal discharge, A system of 3 Gravity Wave Amplifiers, the Use of Antimatter reactions, and machines controlled by thoughts which were all things that Bob Lazar also talked about. In doing research into Los Alamos I came across an old video of Bob doing a talk while standing in front of a large BIG BOY shell for an atom bomb, turns out this is located at the Los Alamos History Museum, where there is also a display on the Demon Core which was a reactor criticality experiment using spherical Beryllium half shells that accidentally killed two scientists who were working on it, in what is now known as the Louis Slotin Accident. Interesting the experiment with the Demon Core looks identical to Bob’s Element 115 Reactor Core, and his story of the two scientists that were killed while working on it, sounds eerily familiar.. almost as if he took bits and piece of these other stories and weaved them together into his own…
Another theory is that he was hired and brought out to the base intentionally as part of a Government disinformation operation that backfired… But there are a few reasons I’m not as inclined to believe that scenario.
It was only 2 weeks between the time when Bob claims he first interviewed at EG&G to the time he was actually brought out there to go to work, that doesn’t make any sense chronologically. Normally it takes at least 8 months for the Government to complete the most basic background checks, and on a project this top secret they would have likely taken longer. But according to Bob’s timeline, he was working out there only 2 weeks after his first interview…!
Now another thing that has always bothered me about that interview with EG&G and Bob’s allegedly recruitment to work at Area 51 is the fact that during his interview EG&G asked him about his relationship with John Lear, and even pointed out that John Lear was the kind of guy who liked to stick his nose in places it didn’t belong… John Lear was hot on EG&G’s radar at the time and it makes absolutely no sense why they would even consider hiring somebody like Bob who was directly associated with him… Unless, it was all part of some Government counter-intelligence operation, which seems highly unlikely given all the unwanted attention it attracted to the base, and the massive increase of security costs for keeping the base operational and secure..
It makes no sense why EG&G would hire a guy like Bob Lazar, who graduated in the Bottom 3rd of his HS Class, had a hisory of Bankruptcy 4 years prior, displayed a career of attention seeking behavior getting himself in the local newspapers with his Jet Bikes and Jet Cars, and was someone they knew was a personal friend of John Lear at the time… Even if for some reason they were somehow stupid enough to let someone like that in on their secret operations, how was he not closely monitored and followed for his first few weeks as is a standard practice for employees of the base? How was he allowed to go and meet with John Lear and bring him and a group of friends out on Wednesday night excursions 3 weeks in a row to watch and film UFOs together? Furthermore, if Area 51 was doing this work under cover of night fall… Where was Bob? Not at work… Shouldn’t have he been out there participating in those tests if he was hired as the senior staff scientist on the project?
All in all, Bob could have gotten the information about the Wednesday nights from anywhere, and his friend John Lear was a hub of information about the base at the time…
It also makes no sense that Bob claims that even though Area 51 Security knew he was brining his friends out there on Wednesday nights, he was ultimately fired, according to his own testimony, because his wife at the time was having an affair with her flight instructor… and this made them wary enough of his background enough to relieve him on the spot. Never mind the 1985 Bankruptcy filing, or the suspicious death of his x-wife, or his association with John Lear, or his running a Brothel called the HoneySuckle Ranch and using work at Area 51 as the cover story for his other “Top-Secret” Operations…
Education Claims
To date, Bob Lazar can provide no clear proof or credentials to back up his education claims. He claims that the government destroyed all the records of his education. It later was discovered that Bob had been enrolled in courses at Pierce Junior College at the same time he was supposedly attending CalTech.
In 1993, the Los Angeles Times looked into his background and found there was no evidence to support those claims.[1] Stanton Friedman was only able to verify that Lazar took electronics courses in the late 1970s at Pierce Junior College.[4] The Times did discover that in 1990 Lazar had pled guilty to felony pandering, when he installed a computer system for a local brothel,[5] declared bankruptcy and listed his occupation as self-employed photo processor on documents.[1] A 1991 Times article reported, Lazar was “on probation in Clark County, Nevada, on a pandering charge. His educational and professional background cannot be verified — a fact he attributes to government deletion of records.”[6]
1. a b c Rivenberg, Roy (May 6, 1993). “Unusually Fanatical Observers Ike Struck Deal With Aliens! Trip to…” . Los Angeles Times.
2. “Tales of Vegas Past: The truth was out there” . Las Vegas Mercury. June 12, 2003. Retrieved 2008-12-12.
3. England, Terry (June 27, 1982). “LA MAN JOINS THE JET SET – AT 200 MILES AN HOUR” . Los Alamos Monitor. pp. A1 & A8.
4. The Bob Lazar Fraud December 1997 By Stanton Friedman
5. “Gene Huff’s Lazar Synopsis” . 1995. Archived from the original on 2007-06-07. Retrieved 2011-01-24.
6. Sands, Shannon (March 20, 1991). “Believers Are Not Alone Outer space: A Nevada military base lures the Faithful” . Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2009-02-02.
Original Source:
In this installment we’ll take a look at the educational background Lazar claims to have, and what, if any, parts of it can be corroborated.
On the “Billy Goodman Happening” radio program, December 20, 1989:
Can you list your credentials?
As far as what?
Schooling, degrees.
I have two masters degrees; one’s in physics; one’s in electronics. I wrote my thesis on MHD, which is magnetohydrodynamics.
I worked at Los Alamos for a few years as a technician and then as a physicist in the Polarized Proton Section, dealing with the accelerator there.
I was hired at S-4 as a senior staff physicist to work on gravitational propulsion systems and whatnot associated with those crafts.
What school did you go to?
I’d rather not say, the reason being I am currently working with them under contract, and I’m having enough trouble with this as it is.
>From “Alien Contact”, by Timothy Good, in a March 1990 interview:
“Bob told me that he had attended Pierce Junior College, California, then the California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech), and the California State University at Northridge. A period of employment by Fairchild was followed by a return to Cal Tech. He claims to have obtained master’s degrees in physics (his thesis: Magnetohydrodynamics) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and in electronics from Cal Tech. To date, no evidence for these degrees has been forthcoming. Although physicist Stanton Friedman has been able to verify that Lazar did indeed attend both Pierce Junior College and California State University, he drew a blank at MIT. ‘There’s no trace of him at MIT and no record of him having attended any course. Maybe he took a lot of courses but didn’t get a degree – that’s a possibility’”.
(Note of correction from TM: In personal correspondence, Stanton Friedman informed me that Good’s statement about Friedman’s verifications was in error. The only school Friedman was able to find evidence of Lazar’s attendance at was Pierce College. Friedman stated to me he drew a blank on Lazar at Cal State Northridge.)
>From the Pre-Sentence Report, dated 7/27/90, for Lazar’s pandering conviction. This was as related by Lazar to the Parole/Probation officer preparing the report:
8-76, high school graduate, Westbury, New York (verified)
1978, Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics and Electronic Technology, Pacifica University (correspondence university).
1982, Masters of Science in Physics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
1985, Masters of Science in Electronic Technology, Cal Tech, California.
>From the “Ultimate UFO Seminar” at Rachel, Nevada, May 1, 1993:
Bob, could you tell us about your education? I’ve heard a lot of conflicting things; I’d like to hear from you.
That varies widely. As far as electronic technology, my degree there is from CalTech and physics is from MIT.
Did you go to Pierce College?
Yeah, I did. Where did you hear that?
A friend that said something, somebody I don’t even know. I just thought, it’s something I want to ask, to clear my mind.
Yeah, I went to Pierce and Northridge and then…I’m terrible at dates. I don’t know what date I was at Pierce, probably like in seventy-six or something, I was at Pierce and then seventy-seven or eight I went to Northridge just for a short time for some classes, then I was at CalTech, and MIT after that.
What was the year of your graduation from MIT, and did you get a Ph.D.?
No, it was a Masters Degree. The year. What was the year of graduation? Probably 82.
On the “Lark and Craig Morning Show” KOMP 92.3 FM, November 1994
Well, you’re a smart guy. Where did you go to school? How many degrees do you have?
Two degrees.
In what?
Physics and Electronic Technology.
So what is that? A Ph.D.? What is that?
No, they’re Masters degrees.
Masters degrees.
To summarize Lazar’s academic claims on the basis of his public statements he received the following:
A Bachelors Degree in Physics and Electronic Technology from Pacifica University in 1978.
A Masters Degree in Physics from MIT (Thesis: Magnetohydrodynamics) in 1982.
A Masters Degree in either Electronics or Electronic Technology from CalTech in 1985.
Note that there is a reasonable amount of consistency to his story over its various tellings. However, at Lazar’s Rachel talk he said he went to CalTech, then MIT.
There is a lot of data to cover, so for a first pass through, let us just look at where Lazar was at various points in time, and consider the possibilities of his attendance at the various schools he’s claimed.
Lazar graduated from high school in August of 1976 on Long Island, New York. Following that, the Lazar family moved to California, purchasing a home in the San Fernando Valley in June of 1977. It’s reasonable to assume that they had rented something in the area prior to purchasing the house, so that would have put Lazar in the area by late 1976 or early 1977.
Lazar has claimed to have attended Pierce College, a 2 year community college, in 1976. His attendance at this college, although not the precise time period, has been verified by Stanton Friedman. Lazar’s attendance at Pierce is quite likely given that he would have lived fairly close at that point in time.
Also in this general period, Lazar claimed to have attended Cal State Northridge “…just for a short time for some classes..”. This is possible and wouldn’t conflict with his general whereabouts.
The next time we can pin down Lazar’s whereabouts was on July 27, 1980 when he married his first wife Carol. According to the marriage certificate he was living in Canoga Park and he listed his occupation as “Electronics Engineer”. Curiously, he also listed his highest grade of schooling completed as 12. His location is consistent with statements he has made about working for Fairchild Industries, which was located in the San Fernando Valley.
Moving into the future, Lazar again surfaces 2 years later in the famous “Los Alamos Monitor” Jet Car story on June 27, 1982. The paper said the Lazars had moved to Los Alamos “…about a month ago from California.” >From other statements in the article, it’s apparent the Lazars had been in California for some time and that he had just started work at LANL.
Yet this is the year Lazar claimed, on at least two occasions, to have received a Masters degree from MIT. However there is no evidence whatsoever that Lazar was anywhere other than California or Los Alamos during this time. Indeed, there is no evidence in ANY of the numerous public records concerning Lazar that he had ever been in or around Cambridge Massachusetts.
When Lazar filed for bankruptcy in July of 1986, the information he was required to provide gives a snapshot of his whereabouts and activities in the years immediately prior to his filing. Is there anything in this mass of data that could even remotely allow for Lazar to spend a year at CalTech, obtaining his Masters degree, as he has claimed, in 1985?
Well, in it he states that the only places he’s lived in the previous 6 years were 2 addresses in Los Alamos (Note that this is already incorrect since he didn’t arrive in Los Alamos until mid-1982). He also states that his occupation for the previous 6 years was as a photo processor at his residence. Oddly, Los Alamos employment was not mentioned.
It also shows that he was very active in the Los Alamos area in 1985, borrowing heavily, apparently in part to support his photo processing business. For example, the records show that in March, 1985 he borrowed $12,000 to upgrade his business’s film printers. Other purchases in 1985 included a Corvette for $19,000, a number of personal loans, and finally a house in Las Vegas in June of 1985.
If we are to believe “Omni” magazine (and I’ll leave that to the reader’s discretion), in 1985 Lazar was on vacation in Nevada and bought into a legal brothel near Reno.
Again, the records clearly show that in 1985, and the few prior years, Lazar was either at Los Alamos or occasionally Las Vegas. There is not the slightest hint that he may have been working away at a Masters degree in Pasadena at CalTech.
Now that we have an idea of where and when Lazar was, let’s take a more detailed look at what information is available for each school.
W. TRESPER CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL, WESTBURY, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK: There doesn’t seem to be any debate that Lazar did indeed attend and graduate from this school. In correspondence with Stanton Friedman, he stated to me, “Re the High School. Bob was graduated in August, not June, 1976, strongly suggesting that he had to take a summer course to get enough credits. He ranked 261 out of 369 (bottom third). He did take Chemistry. I obtained this information myself first hand from the school. They will undoubtedly deny giving the class rank to me since that is privacy act protected…it is a long story.”
PACIFICA UNIVERSITY: The statement in his Presentencing Report that he received a Bachelors degree from Pacifica, and labeled it a “correspondence university” is rather unique. I have seen a lot of statements made by Lazar concerning his education, but in none of them does he say where he received his undergraduate degree. It’s a subject he seldom mentions.
Unfortunately, Pacifica University has proven difficult to locate. A number of national college directories were consulted, including those listing vocational and correspondence schools. A few of the guides were “The College Blue Book”, “American Universities and Colleges” and “The McMillan Guide to Correspondence Study”. Nowhere was there a Pacifica University listed.
The State of California Department of Education’s Council for Private, Post-Secondary and Vocational Education was contacted. They regulate all vocational and correspondence schools within the state. They informed me that they had no listing for a Pacifica University within California, either now or in the past.
A search of statewide phone records, at least in California, did turn up a Pacifica Liquor Store, but as tempting an explanation as that might be, it probably has no relevancy. Assuming Lazar was enrolled in a correspondence school by the name of Pacifica University in the late 1970s, it would now appear to be out of business. Unless Lazar himself is forthcoming as to just where this establishment was, additional verification efforts are likely useless.
PIERCE COLLEGE: Lazar’s attendance at this institution has been corroborated, although the extent of his attendance is not known. This was done some time ago by Stanton Friedman.
It was also done a second time by Friedman after Lazar spoke at Rachel, Nevada in May of 1993. When asked to name some of his professors at MIT and CalTech, Lazar responded with the name “Dr. Duxler” at CalTech. According to Glenn Campbell, the only Duxler listed in the 1993 “National Faculty Directory” was a William Duxler, Director of Computing for Pierce College.
According to personal correspondence, Friedman then contacted Duxler at Pierce, who was found to teach physics and math at Pierce. Duxler stated he never taught at Caltech. Further, Duxler checked his old records and told Friedman that Lazar took at least one of his classes in the late 1970s.
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY AT NORTHRIDGE: Some people looking into Lazar’s schooling at Cal State Northridge may have picked up a false positive due to an interesting coincidence. There WAS a Robert Lazar who attended Cal State Northridge and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business in 1978. However a review of the photo in the 1978 CSUN yearbook, the “Sunburst”, clearly shows this is not our beloved Lazar, but rather someone else.
As previously mentioned, Stanton Friedman stated that he checked with CSUN and found no evidence that Lazar had attended there. Timothy Good has apparently misstated that fact in his book “Alien Contact”.
MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY: Standard inquiries have been made by George Knapp and Stanton Friedman and turned up nothing. Friedman informed me that he took the additional step of checking with the alumni office and at least the 1982 commencement list.
Glenn Campbell visited MIT in 1993 and searched through a number of the printed student records there. The idea behind this particular effort was that while elimination of computer records could be within the realm of possibility, it is essentially inconceivable that some agency would have the capability to change printed records that had widespread distribution.
Lazar, or any obvious misspellings of his name, was not listed in any MIT student directory between 1978 and 1990. Other publications checked included the MIT faculty/staff telephone directories from 1978-1990, the MIT “Degree List” from 1979-1990, and the 1989 “MIT Alumni/ae Register”.
This exhaustive searching, coupled with the June 1982 Los Alamos “Monitor” story that puts Lazar in Los Alamos newly arrived from California, leads to the inevitable conclusion that Lazar did not attend MIT as he claims.
CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY: Lazar has claimed, on different occasions, a Masters degree from CalTech in either electronics or electronic technology. Standard inquiries by Friedman and Knapp found no evidence of his attendance.
A recent visit by me with Natalie Gilmore of the CalTech Graduate Studies Department provided some important information. CalTech does not currently have, nor has it ever had any sort of graduate degree in “electronics” or “electronic technology”, or anything near those names. CalTech does offer a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Now if you have a friend or relative with an EE degree, you might, in conversation, refer to them as having a degree in “Electronics”, not realizing the distinction. However, if it is YOUR degree, it is highly unlikely after all the effort it required you would misstate what it was. People with advanced degrees, particularly in the science and engineering fields, are usually quite precise in the “pronunciation” of their degrees.
Assuming Lazar had a bachelors degree from an unaccredited school (The two year schooling period and correspondence status infer this), I asked Ms. Gilmore what the possibilities were for admittance into a Masters program at CalTech. She said it was possible, although extremely slim, due to the intense competition for admittance to CalTech. She also added that the Masters programs there are one year and require full time attendance.
However, Ms. Gilmore provided some additional data that actually support Lazar’s case, and in fairness should be mentioned. It seems that for most Masters programs at CalTech (including EE), a thesis is not required. Lazar has only claimed one thesis, in MHD, at MIT.
Furthermore, I had previously made a fairly exhaustive search through many years worth of the CalTech yearbook, “The Big T”, and was unable to turn up any trace of Lazar. However, Ms. Gilmore informed me that graduate students are usually not included in the publication. So it would seem that my efforts in this area, as reported in the timeline, are inconclusive.
However, the lack of on-campus evidence, coupled with his physical whereabouts still force the conclusion that Lazar never attended CalTech. His statement to the probation officer of a 1985 degree is particularly absurd in view of the activities he himself listed for 1985 in his bankruptcy papers.
After plowing through all this data, it is enough to satisfy me, personally, that Lazar never attended either CalTech or MIT. Of this I am certain of beyond a reasonable doubt.
How then do I explain the mystery of why Lazar clings so tenaciously to his claims of degrees from these institutions? I can’t really. To me it is one of the great mysteries of his story. I find it hard to swallow he would maintain such a story in light of all the means of verification. Of course there are other alternative explanations, but their probability is very small.
Only Lazar has the answer of why.
Possible Explanations:
1. Lazar has lied, and continues to do so, about his educational background.
2. In addition to all his other activities, Lazar was able to find time to pursue higher education and actually may possess a degree or degrees, but for unknown reasons wants to keep it secret and uses the CalTech and MIT degrees as a cover, taking the resultant abuse.
3. The boys at S-4, as part of their efforts to discredit Lazar, in some way implanted the absolute conviction in Lazar’s mind that he possesses the degrees, making him appear a fraud to anyone checking his past.
A note to the readers:
This pretty much concludes the series, although I have 2 more installments planned. One is a list of little nagging questions, while not full fledged flaws, are still uncomfortable loose ends to the story that perhaps Gene can explain. Then finally a wrap up where I’ll look at a number of various theories from the wild to the sublime.
Bob’s Master’s Thesis on MHD
Bob Lazar never produced a copy of his Master’s thesis (on Magnetohydrodynamics MHD) from either MIT or Caltech. All efforts to track down Bob Lazar’s Master’s thesis (if it ever existed) from MIT have failed. How is this possible if he really did attend MIT?
By far the most interesting detail in Bob’s History is the fact he listed his occupation as a self employed photo processor, and not a physicist. This should not only prove that he wasn’t a physicist, but that he possessed the kind of ability to forge the documents he provided as evidence for his employment at Area 51
Lazar’s W-2 and ID Badge
His ID Badge SHOULD have been issued by Wackenhutt, like the following:
1. OMB & Document Control Number
Lazar points out on his web page: ‘Note at the top of the slip is a field reserved for the O.M.B. (Office of Management and Budget.)’ like it’s something special that validates his argument. Well The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approves all IRS tax forms that are subject to the Act and each IRS form contains (in or near the upper right corner) the OMB approval number, if assigned. So the ‘OMB No. 1545-0008 is the OMB Document Control number, nothing else and teachers and clerks have the same thing on their W2. See:
2. Employer’s Name
The “United States Department of Naval Intelligence”, if you look it up, has not formally existed since World War II, and has since been known as the Office of Naval Intelligence. (
Letter to John Andrews from Captain R. A. Jones U.S. Navy dated March 18, 1991 indicating that there is no government organization known as the “United States Department of Naval Intelligence”
as Lazar claims.
ID Badge
The ID Badge should have been issued by the security company which was Wackenhutt for Area 51 at the time. Bob Lazar later admitted it was a replica.
Lazar’s Security Clearance and Timeline
Note the chronology of events in the above letter. According to the letter, Dr. Edward Teller called Bob Lazar on November 29, 1988 and gave him a name to call. Then on December 6, 1988 Bob was flown to Area 51 to begin his first day which would include signing the papers and non-disclosure agreements for his job at Area S4. How could Bob Lazar have obtained a TOP SECRET “Q” level security clearance in only eight days when it generally takes between six to twelve months to obtain such a clearance?
According to Lazar, he had to obtain a TOP SECRET security clearance which was “38 levels above Q” to work at S4. A TOP SECRET “Q” clearance generally takes between six to twelve months to obtain (far too long of a time-span for Lazar to have interviewed for the S4 job at EG&G, and starting work at S4 only eight days later). When referring to security clearances, the structure progresses as follows: Unclassified, Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. From the Top Secret level, you may also obtain the following additions: Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Program (SAP). While there is a “Q clearance” security classification which falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Energy (DOE), there is no such thing as “38 levels above TOP SECRET” as Lazar claims. In addition, there is no evidence to support the claim that the so called “MAJESTIC” clearance level actually exists as asserted by Lazar.